Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Simple Image Resizer Tools - C# Example

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This example will use the  Image Resizer Class from previous post. I have change a little bit on the class so that i can use it for my example image resizer tools.

ImageResizer Tool Requirement

  • ImageResizer tool will require user to choose the image to resize.
  • Only JPG image supported.
  • After that user can simply put the width and height to change the selected image width and height.
  • User can choose is either to use aspect ratio.
  • After Complete , user will prompt to open the new image after resize.
  • The tools use .NET version 4.

The GUI of ImageResizer Tool

The Code Behind

        private string _ImageName;
        private string _ImageExtension;

        public Form1()
            TPercentage.Text = "0";
            tWidth.Text = "0";
            THeight.Text = "0";

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "JPEG Files (.JPG)|*.JPG";
            openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1;

            openFileDialog1.Multiselect = false;

            // Call the ShowDialog method to show the dialog box.
            DialogResult Dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();

            // Process input if the user clicked OK.
            if (Dr.ToString().Equals("OK",StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                TSelectImage.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                _ImageName = (openFileDialog1.FileName.Split('\\'))[openFileDialog1.FileName.Split('\\').Length - 1];
                _ImageExtension = _ImageName.Substring(_ImageName.Length - 4);

        protected void loadImage(string filename = "")
            panel1.Visible = true;
            pictureBox1.WaitOnLoad = false;
            pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
            if(filename == "")
            pictureBox1.LoadCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(pictureBox1_LoadCompleted);

        void pictureBox1_LoadCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            //label3.Text = pictureBox1.Image.Width.ToString();
            //label5.Text = pictureBox1.Image.Height.ToString();

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string reSizeImageName = _ImageName + "_Resize" + _ImageExtension;
            long width = Convert.ToInt64(tWidth.Text);
            long height = Convert.ToInt64(THeight.Text);
            double percentageRatio = Convert.ToDouble(TPercentage.Text);

            ImageResizer.ResizeImage(pictureBox1.ImageLocation, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + reSizeImageName,

            if (ImageResizer.Status == 1)           
                goto AGAIN;//this is because method need to run in async which is not supported in .NET 4 ..only support .NET 4.5 currently

            DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Resize succes, open file in an external viewer?", "Open File", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + reSizeImageName);


        private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != '.')
                e.Handled = true;
            // only allow one decimal point
            if (e.KeyChar == '.' && (sender as TextBox).Text.IndexOf('.') > -1)
                e.Handled = true;

        private void textBox2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != '.')
                e.Handled = true;
            // only allow one decimal point
            if (e.KeyChar == '.' && (sender as TextBox).Text.IndexOf('.') > -1)
                e.Handled = true;

        private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                label2.Visible = false;
                label3.Visible = false;
                tWidth.Visible = false;

                label4.Visible = false;
                label5.Visible = false;
                THeight.Visible = false;

                label6.Visible = true;
                TPercentage.Visible = true;
                label7.Visible = true;
                TPercentage.Text = "0";
                tWidth.Text = "0";
                THeight.Text = "0";
                label2.Visible = true;
                label3.Visible = true;
                tWidth.Visible = true;

                label4.Visible = true;
                label5.Visible = true;               
                THeight.Visible = true;

                label6.Visible = false;
                TPercentage.Visible = false;
                label7.Visible = false;
                tWidth.Text = "0";
                THeight.Text = "0";
                TPercentage.Text = "0";

        private void TPercentage_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != '.')
                e.Handled = true;
            // only allow one decimal point
            if (e.KeyChar == '.' && (sender as TextBox).Text.IndexOf('.') > -1)
                e.Handled = true;

The Modified ImageResizer Class

class ImageResizer
        private static ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder;
        private static int _status;

        public static int Status
            get { return ImageResizer._status; }
            set { ImageResizer._status = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to resize JPEG and GIF Image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFile">input file location</param>
        /// <param name="outFile">output file location</param>
        /// <param name="level"> level of compression between 0 and 100, with 0 being maximum compression and minimum size and 
        /// with 100 being minimum compression and maximum size.(For JPEG Only)</param>
        /// <param name="maxDimension">percentage ratio</param>
        /// <param name="newWidth">width of new image</param>
        /// <param name="newHeight">height of new image</param>
        /// <param name="useAspectRatio">true | false</param>
        public static void ResizeImage(string inFile, string outFile, long level,double maxDimension = 0, long newWidth = 0, long newHeight = 0,bool useAspectRatio = false)
            byte[] buffer;
            using (Stream stream = new FileStream(inFile, FileMode.Open))
                buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
                Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(stream.BeginRead, stream.EndRead, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null);

                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                    using (Image inImage = Image.FromStream(memStream))
                        double width = 0;
                        double height = 0;

                        if (newWidth > 0)
                            width = Convert.ToDouble(newWidth);
                        if (newHeight > 0)
                            height = Convert.ToDouble(newHeight);

                        if (useAspectRatio)
                            width = inImage.Width * (maxDimension / 100);
                            height = inImage.Height * (maxDimension / 100);                            

                        using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap((int)width, (int)height))
                            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                                graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                                graphics.DrawImage(inImage, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
                                if (inImage.RawFormat.Guid == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid)
                                    if (jpgEncoder == null)
                                        ImageCodecInfo[] ici = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
                                        foreach (ImageCodecInfo info in ici)
                                            if (info.FormatID == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid)
                                                jpgEncoder = info;
                                    if (jpgEncoder != null)
                                        EncoderParameters ep = new EncoderParameters(1);
                                        ep.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, level);
                                        bitmap.Save(outFile, jpgEncoder, ep);
                                        bitmap.Save(outFile, inImage.RawFormat);
                                    // Fill with white for transparent GIFs
                                    graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
                                    bitmap.Save(outFile, inImage.RawFormat);

                                Status = 0;
            catch (ArgumentException arg)
                if (arg.Message.Equals("Parameter is Not Valid.", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Status = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "." + Environment.NewLine + "Please Try Again");

Have a try ..Do PM me in Google+ to share the project.

NOTE : – If You have Found this post Helpful, I will appreciate if you can Share it on Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Media Sites. Thanks =)


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Founder of developersnote.com, love programming and help others people. Work as Software Developer. Graduated from UiTM and continue study in Software Engineering at UTMSpace. Follow him on Twitter , or Facebook or .

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