This example show how to select database schema / name in database MySQL :
The DbUtil Class
<?php final class DbUtility { public static $dbHost ; public static $dbUser ; public static $dbPass ; public static $dbDatabase ; public function __construct() { self::$dbHost = "localhost:3306"; self::$dbUser = "custinfosys"; self::$dbPass = "P@ssw0rd"; self::$dbDatabase = "customerinfosys"; // database } public static function getDbConnectionMySQL() { return mysql_connect(self::$dbHost, self::$dbUser, self::$dbPass); //Connect to the databasse } public static function getDbConnectionMySQLi() { return mysqli_connect(self::$dbHost, self::$dbUser, self::$dbPass); //Connect to the databasse } public static function setDatabaseMySQL($db){ mysql_select_db($db,self::$dbDatabase) or die("Couldn't select the database."); } public static function setDatabaseMySQLi($db){ mysqli_select_db($db,self::$dbDatabase) or die("Couldn't select the database."); } } ?>
How to use Example
1. Create php file name index to test the class2. copy paste this code and try to run in browser using xamp / any web server install with php
<?php require_once('DbUtility.php'); $dbClass = new DbUtility(); $db = $dbClass->getDbConnectionMySQLi(); if (mysqli_connect_errno($db)) { echo '<br/>Failed to Connect to Database' . mysqli_connect_error(); } else { echo '<br/>successfully create connection with "mysqli_connect"'; $dbClass->setDatabaseMySQLi($db); echo '<br/>successfully set database with "mysqli_select_db"'; } $db1 = $dbClass->getDbConnectionMySQL(); if (mysql_error($db1)) { echo '<br/>Failed to Connect to Database' . mysql_error(); } else { echo '<br/>successfully create connection with "mysql_connect"'; $dbClass->setDatabaseMySQL($db1); echo '<br/>successfully set database with "mysql_select_db"'; } ?>
The Output
By Mohd Zulkamal
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