The solution is to put the JavaScript at the Read Only Text Box to prevent page from go back to previous page.
The Script
function preventBackspace(e) { var evt = e || window.event; if (evt) { var keyCode = evt.charCode || evt.keyCode; if (keyCode === 8) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; alert("This is a read only field"); } } else { evt.returnValue = false; alert("This is a read only field"); } } else { evt.returnValue = false; alert("This is a read only field"); } }
Example to call js function
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" ReadOnly="true" onKeyDown= "preventBackspace();" runat="server"> </asp:TextBox>
so if user click on the readonly textbox and try tu enter backspace key, the alert message will show .
By Mohd Zulkamal
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I have a field that i dynamically set to readonly depending on certain condition. Now this message appears even when the field at that time is not readonly. How does one prevent that? Thanks